| Officers | Newsletter | Programs | Photo Album |
The Attleboro branch of AAUW is a leading advocate for education and equity for all women and girls in the greater Attleboro area. Membership is open to all those who hold an associate or equivalent degree or a baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited college or university. In principal and in practice, Attleboro Inc. branch values and seeks a diverse membership. We welcome you to join us!
Co-President | Ashley Occhino | 508-226-2278 | ||
Co-President | Paula Correia | 508-226-1230 | ||
Program VP | Kristina Occhino | 508-226-2278 | ||
Membership VP | Paula Correia | 508-226-1230 | ||
Finance | Jaqueline Romaniecki | 508-226-0337 | ||
Recording Secretary | Patricia Knox | 508-695-5294 |
Committee Chairs
EF/LAF | Kristina Occhino | 508-226-2278 | ||
Social Justice/Diversity | Sharon Beckwith | 508-223-3636 | ||
Public Policy | Maxine Johnson | 508-226-8991 | ||
Communications | Patricia Knox | 508-695-5294 | ||
Newsletter Editor/ Publicity | Ashley Occhino | 508-226-2278 | ||
Yearbook/Hospitality | Irene Yutkins | 508-226-3109 |
Branch Newsletter
Newsletters are posted in PDF format.
To read the newsletter you need to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. Click here to download a free copy.
2009-2010 Branch Activities
Attleboro AAUW PROGRAMS FOR 2009-2010
VP for Programs: Kristina Occhino
Read the Newsletter for more details
- October 16, 2009 (Fri) 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Pot Luck Dinner
Program: “AAUW Update”
Speaker: AAUW-MA President, Beryl Domingo and AAUW-MA Administrator, Hollie Bagley
Location: Home of Judy Manoogian
Hospitality: Judy Manoogian
- December 1, 2009 (Tues) 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Annual Holiday Party
Program: “Holiday Silk Arrangements”
Speaker: Designers of Flower by the Station, Attleboro
Location: Home of Maxine Johnson
Hospitality: All members are asked to bring hors d’oeuvres & holiday sweets
- April 9, 2010 (Fri) 12:00 – 4:30 pm
Special Event
Supported by AAUW-MA
A conference to bring together inventors and innovative thinkers who want to find out how to protect and develop their ideas and individuals and organizations that promote literacy and expertise in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)
Organizer: Katherine Honey
Host: Bristol Community College, Attleboro Campus
- May 4, 2010 (Tues) 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Annual Meeting and Banquet
Program: Annual Meeting, Election of Officers
Location: Hearth & Kettle Restaurant
116 Elm Street
North Attleboro, MA
Speaker: AAUW Education Foundation Fellow
Hospitality: Irene Yutkins
Check the Branch Newsletters for other events and programs for this year.

Branch members participated in The Big Read by reading and discussing the project’s book selection, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury. Attleboro titled their project: 1ABC: One Adventure, One Book, One Community.