Taunton Area Branch

About Us ¦  Meetings & Location  ¦  Programs  ¦  Scholarships  ¦  Educational Foundation  ¦  Membership  ¦  Officers  ¦  Newsletter

About Us

Mission Statement: Advancing Equity for Women and Girls through Advocacy, Education, Philanthropy, and Research.

AAUW is a national organization with a membership of 100,000 and many local and state branches nationwide.

The Taunton Area Branch was established in 1933, growing over the years into a strong branch with over forty members. Members include student affiliate members and honorary life members.

Our programs and activities support and promote the Mission of AAUW.  The branch is affiliated with AAUW-MA.

Meetings & Location

The Taunton Area Branch holds regular meetings monthly from September through May on the second Wednesday of the month unless noted otherwise in the newsletter. Most meetings take place at 7:00 pm at The Arbors, 763 County Street, Taunton, Massachusetts, unless noted otherwise under programs.

All branch meetings are open to the public.

The Mary Anderson Memorial Scholarship

Each year, the Taunton Area Branch offers a scholarship
for graduates of high schools in southeastern Massachusetts
entering the junior or senior year of college.  Criteria include
a commitment to advancing gender equity and economic security. 

This award honors the memory of Mary Anderson (d. 2002),
a longtime member of the Taunton Area Branch of AAUW,
serving in many capacities.  She promoted AAUW’s mission
and was a great supporter of AAUW’s Fellowships and Grants.

Taunton AAUW 2025 Scholarship Flyer

Taunton AAUW 2025 Scholarship Application


AAUW is the world’s largest source of fellowship funds exclusively for graduate women students. The scholarships support aspiring scholars around the world, teachers and activists in local communities, women at critical stages of their careers, and those pursuing professions where women are underrepresented.

The Taunton Branch supports AAUW’s efforts to promote scholarship and equity for women through various fundraising activities, such as our Silent Auction in November, the sale of Poinsettia plants in December and the yard sale in June.  These funds support the Educational Fellowships, the Legal Advocacy Fund for women seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination, and scholarships for undergraduate students from the Taunton Branch area.

2021 Programs

To be added soon!


AAUW membership is open to any graduate holding an associate or equivalent, baccalaureate, or higher degree from a qualified educational institution.

Students may become AAUW affiliate members.  We welcome a diverse membership.

For more information about the Taunton Area Branch or general AAUW membership, please contact the Taunton Branch Membership Vice President Rosemarie Buote by email or phone (508) 669-5069.

2021 Officers and Committee Chairs

President  Cristina Ajemian  cmajemian@aol.com
Program  Program Committee  
Membership  Rosemarie Buote rosemariebuote@aol.com
Secretary Beryl Domingo beryldomingo@hotmail.com
Co-Treasurers Angela Sheble

June Cooney



AAUW Funds (EF) Sue St. Germain rssaint@comcast.net 
AAUW Funds (LAF) Laurel McGregor  
Local Scholarship Louise Freeman Freemanlou@aol.com
Communications/Newsletter Cris Ajemian cmajemian@aol.com
Public Information  Mary O’Connell maryservatmls@hotmail.com
Hospitality Barbara Balboni BBalboni@bridgew.edu
Annual Directory Liz Silvia country.traditions1@verizon.net
Auditor/Finance Carol Ritchie  
Bylaws Veronica Casey vcasey@holidayinntaunton.com 
College/University Susan McCombe

Bridgewater State University & Massasoit Community College






Editor: Cris Ajemian

Newsletters are published monthly from September through May and the Summer Newsletter comes out in August. Articles and member updates for the newsletters should be submitted to Valerie prior to deadlines listed in the Year Book.

Newsletter Deadline: 17th of the month