South Shore Area (formerly Hingham Area) Branch

 Serving the South Shore of Massachusetts from Quincy to Plymouth

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February Branch Activity

 AAUW Member Gathering

February 5, 4 pm via Zoom

Serendipity. The very day we learned our February speaker had a conflict, the invitation to attend the AAUW Member Gathering appeared.  What a perfect opportunity to invite our branch members to learn more about what is happening with our national organization and branches across the country.

Where Do We Go From Here?
February 11, 7 pm, via Zoom

As a follow up to the February 5th meeting, all branch members are invited to join the board on our regularly scheduled branch meeting date of February 11th at 7 pm via Zoom to discuss all AAUW matters, big and small. This is a chance to meet with your fellow members and chat about things we never get to discuss during our more formal program meetings. The discussion will be based on what we learn during our February 5th meeting with members of our national organization, but please attend on February 11th even if you were unable to attend the national Member Gathering.

Presentation by Our 2024 NCCWSL Recipient

Our November 2023 program was on genealogy. Click on Genealogy at TPL November 2023 to view a short PowerPoint slide show with links to some wonderful genealogy resources prepared by Moira Cavanagh of the Thayer Public Library, Braintree, MA.

In case you missed our February 2023 branch program, here is a link to the slides: AAUW SSAB February 2023 Looking Back-Moving Forward
In honor of our branch’s formation over 50 years ago, here is a  PDF slide show lookinback on AAUW’s in women’s history since 1968.

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For the branch’s STEM projects, click here or for more information, contact:  Lynn Howard, AAUW South Shore Area Branch STEM Chair at

Branch Officers

President  Lynn Howard
Membership Vice President Anne Foley
Treasurer Gail Saccone
Recording Secretary Carol Sullivan-Hanley



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